
palindromatic [bi0sCTF24]

26 Feb 2024

Challenge Description

An unnecessarily complex palindrome checker, implemented as a kernel driver. What could possibly go wrong?

Handout has the files bzImage, rootfs.ext3, run.sh, the module (.ko) and its source code. A sample .config is also included to indicate what security features are compiled in.

Initial Analysis


SMEP, SMAP, KPTI and KASLR are all enabled as seen in run.sh. Additionally typical slub hardening features are enabled and modprobe_path overwrite isn’t possible due to CONFIG_STATIC_USERMODEHELPER. Although CONFIG_RANDOM_KMALLOC_CACHES makes exploitation harder by reducing chances of similarly sized objects being in the same cache, it doesn’t prevent cross-cache attacks.

The Module

The module is a glorified and overcomplicated palindrome checker. Users can submit requests and operate on submitted requests through ioctl. There are two queues to keep track of requests, incoming_queue and outgoing_queue. The functionalites offered by the ioctl are:

  • For incoming queue,
    • QUEUE => add request to rear of incoming_queue
    • SANITIZE => update request at front by translating [A-Z|a-z] to [A-Z] & discarding other chars
    • RESET => pop request at front, if sanitized, reset to raw and send it to rear, otherwise discard
    • PROCESS => pop request at front, check if palindrome and add to rear of outgoing_queue
  • For outgoing queue,
    • REAP => pop request at front, provide verdict if it was a palindrome or not
  • QUERY => returns available capacity in both queues

More on requests

typedef struct request_t 
    ptype type;
    unsigned long magic;
    char str[STRING_SZ];
    char sanstr[STRING_SZ];
} request_t;
  • ptype indicates whether the request is unprocessed [RAW, SANITIZED] or processed [PALINDROME, NONPALINDROME]
  • magic is used to check for corrupted requests (not really :P)
  • str is the buffer where the string for a request is stored
  • sanstr is the buffer where the sanitized string for a request is stored

Requests are allocated in a separate cache due to SLAB_NO_MERGE. Since there are no pointers or critical members in request, to leverage any bug in the driver, we will have to perform a cross-cache attack.

pm_cache = kmem_cache_create("palindromatic", TARGET_SZ, __alignof__(request_t), 


The main bug is null byte overflow, that occurs in pm_sanitize_request() if the str buffer is completely filled with characters in [A-Z].

for(int i = 0; i < STRING_SZ; i++)
    if(!req->str[i]) break;

    if(req->str[i] > 0x60 && req->str[i] < 0x7b)
        temp_buffer[ptr++] = req->str[i]-0x20;

    else if(req->str[i] > 0x40 && req->str[i] < 0x5b)
        temp_buffer[ptr++] = req->str[i];

    else continue;

temp_buffer[ptr] = 0;
strcpy(req->sanstr, temp_buffer);

If the null byte overflow occurs, the ptype of request below (in memory) will be corrupted. This by itself is a fairly harmless bug. But now taking a look at pm_process_request()

request_t *req = pm_queue_peek(&incoming_queue);
idx = pm_queue_enqueue(&outgoing_queue, req);
if(idx < 0) goto end;

memset(temp_buffer, 0x0, STRING_SZ);
if(req->type == RAW)

if(req->type == SANITIZED)

return idx;

Majority of the code in processing doesn’t concern the exploitation, so it can be ignored. Initially the request at front of incoming_queue is added to rear of outgoing_queue. The request is only removed from the incoming_queue at the end of the if clauses. However when processing request with corrupted ptype, it won’t enter either if clause, so it will never get removed from incoming_queue. This can lead to UAF if the request is reaped from outgoing_queue but it still remains in incoming_queue. Resetting a request in incoming_queue will eventually free it, giving a potential free primitive on UAF request.

Exploit Strategy

Triggering UAF (Stage 1)

  • Spray requests, filling the incoming_queue
  • Triggering SANITIZE now has a high chance of corrupting another request
  • Now PROCESS one request at a time and QUERY capacity
  • If capacity of incoming_queue doesn’t change, it means a corrupted request was processed
  • RESET to send the corrupted request back to rear of incoming_queue
  • PROCESS remaining requests and REAP them all
  • Now corrupted request is left in incoming_queue while it has already been freed by reaping.

Convert UAF request to pipe_buffer (Stage 2)

For the remainder of the exploit, I used pipe_buffer and msg_msgseg. The reason being, I came across this cool technique, which is essentially modifying flags of a pipe_buffer to PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE. If the pipe was spliced from a readonly file, writing to the pipe after this will actually write to the file. In short, another primitive can potentially be abused to revive the infamous DirtyPipe. msg_msgseg is used to overlap on the pipe_buffer to leak and modify it.

  • Since all requests have been freed, the slab with UAF request is also returned to allocator
  • Spray a lot of pipe_buffer using pipe()
  • This will eventually re-allocate the slab with UAF request (cross-cache)
  • This is quite reliable since pipe_buffer and requests are similarly sized and have slabs of same order
  • Write some content to the pipes
  • Trigger free of victim pipe_buffer, through resetting UAF request twice
  • RESET once to set ptype as RAW and once more to actually free it
  • Spray some more pipe_buffer to occupy slot of victim
  • Write different content to the pipes in the second spray
  • Check content of all pipes from first spray to find victim pipe

Overwrite pipe_buffer flags (Stage 3)

A quick look at pipe_buffer:

struct pipe_buffer {
	struct page *page;
	unsigned int offset, len;
	const struct pipe_buf_operations *ops;
	unsigned int flags;
	unsigned long private;

The actual pipe_buffer object that is allocated is actually a ring of pipe_buffer structs. Initially the object is empty, when its written to for the first time, a pipe_buffer is added to the ring. This can also be triggered by F_SETPIPESZ function of fcntl(). Additionally, splicing also adds a new pipe_buffer to the ring. Armed with this information, the exploit might make more sense.

  • Now free all pipe_buffer by close(), while holding a reference to the victim pipe_buffer
  • Spray msg_msgseg using msgsnd()
  • msg_msgseg is used in instead of msg_msg since it has a smaller header
  • Doesn’t cause issues when overlapped with pipe_buffer
  • msg_msgseg of size 0x400 is used since its the same size as pipe_buffer object
  • msg_msgseg now completely overwrites the pipe_buffer object
  • Splice from /etc/passwd to the victim pipe, this will add a new pipe_buffer struct to the ring
  • Using msgrcv() the pipe_buffer can be leaked
  • Use leak to craft fake pipe_buffer with flags = PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE
  • Spray msg_msgseg again, this time containing fake pipe_buffer
  • Writing to victim pipe_buffer will now, write to /etc/passwd

This is because of the logic in pipe_write() which writes into the backing page of the lastly added pipe_buffer in the ring, if PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE is set. Finally use su to login as root :D


I learnt a lot about crosscache when working on this challenge. Hope you learnt something too!

You can find the full exploit here

Flag: bi0sctf{p4l1ndr0me5_4r3_pr0bl3m4t1c_frfr_b851ea94}